
“The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Individual Therapy

Do you often feel anxious, angry, sad, burnt out, apathetic, desperate or alone?

Have there been problems in your relationship or family, or at school or university, for some time?

Have you been sleeping badly and continually feeling tired recently?

Do you seem to keep encountering the same problems in relationships or attracting people who don’t do you any good?

There are many situations in which people come to their limits, no longer know what to do and need help. You are not alone. It takes courage to face your difficulties. The decision to seek help is the first step in moving out of isolation towards more self-care and a more fulfilled life. In therapy, we can explore the conditions that trigger and perpetuate your problems in the ‘here and now’ and that limit you in everyday life. It can also be helpful to look at and acknowledge your past. Here you can decide which strategies, although they were important (for survival and safety) in the past, can now be replaced. Based on this, we will work on concrete and suitable strategies to better deal with your symptoms.

Further topics could incude:
  • Panic attacks, phobias
  • Severe shyness
  • Social anxiety
  • Exam nerves
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Body issues/shame
  • Nervousness, inner restlessness
  • Exhaustion, feeling depressed
  • Lack of perspective and disorientation
  • Physical complaints for which no medical cause can be found (e.g. headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, muscle pain, back pain)
  • Constant brooding, rumination, obsessive thoughts
  • Problems or insecurities around sexual identity

Couples Therapy

You would not want to be without him/her, but your partner is often jealous. You feel restricted and controlled. You are growing further and further apart from each other.

You always have to clean up and organise everything on your own. You work so hard and he/she doesn’t see it at all. This sometimes makes you feel angry and tired.

You hardly ever talk to each other. And when you do, it’s about organisational stuff or you’re arguing. It’s also been too quiet between the sheets lately. Things can’t go on like this. What can you do to bring the love back?

Your fights and arguments always proceed along the same lines, leading to emotional injury, perhaps through withdrawal, outbursts of anger or emotional extortion. How can you argue ‘more effectively’ again?

After some time together, but also in the phase of getting to know each other and falling in love, a wide variety of conflicts can arise between two people who have entered into a partnership. Perhaps the other person no longer corresponds to the ideas you had of him/her until recently, and this causes anger, fear or sadness. Issues such as breaches of trust or transgressions of boundaries, loneliness in the relationship and sexual avoidance can occur. Sometimes drastic changes in life circumstances, such as the birth of a child, a change of job, long-distance relationships, illnesses or other factors, can cause the relationship to falter. Neither side will give way, communication is drying up and you may be growing apart from one another.
Couple therapy can recreate the bond between you. We will look at your typical patterns of conflict and uncover how they allow the same dynamics to play themselves out over and over again. You will get to know your emotions and how they lead to rigid reaction patterns, perhaps discovering new sides to each other and developing more gentleness, compassion and respect in your dealings with each other.

Further topics could include:
  • Recurring conflicts and disputes
  • Division of labour
  • Boredom, routine in the relationship
  • Sexual problems
  • Infidelity
  • Polyamority
  • A possible separation

Family Therapy

You love your child(ren) and would do anything for them. Nevertheless, there are always situations that overwhelm you and push your buttons. You get louder and more aggressive than you would like, or you just want to run out of the house - preferably not just for a few minutes. Afterwards you feel guilty and wonder why you always react like this?

Your child has problems at kindergarten/school and you don’t know how to handle things anymore. You feel helpless, isolated and need support?

You and your partner have separated or intend to separate. You are wondering how you can manage a separation in such a way that you can continue to be there for your children, as parents, and avoid the kids suffering unnecessarily?

As parents, you argue more and more about how the children should be brought up, who should work shorter hours or who should do which chores?

You are a single parent, feel overwhelmed and are asking yourself how to handle all this?

Different characters, temperaments and generations with different needs come together in families. In addition, there are a variety of external challenges: work, a new sibling, pressure at school, constant infections, lack of time, money worries, possible crises such as separation, illness or other fundamental changes. It requires a great deal of flexibility, patience and much love to balance all these demands and challenges.
Family therapy can help you to gain clarity about what is happening and why certain situations escalate again and again. We look at the family system as a whole. External systems such as schools, kindergartens and circles of friends are also looked at and, if necessary, consulted.
We consider and appreciate which role the child’s symptoms may be playing in the system or what the child (and the parent) may be unconsciously trying to protect themselves from through their ‘problematic’ behaviour.
You as the parent(s) will then understand yourself and the other family members better and can also learn helpful strategies in therapy to deal with all these challenges more effectively. Self-care for parents and mindfulness techniques (for parents and children) can also be very helpful.

Further topics could include:
  • Dealing with children and young people during puberty
  • Getting closer to the children, improving your relationship with them
  • School phobia
  • Bullying
  • Discrimination
  • Diagnoses such as ADHD, a classification of ‘gifted and talented’, High Sensitivity (HSP) ...
  • Anxiety in children and parent(s)
  • Patchwork/rainbow families
  • Maintaining a relationship as a loving couple while parenting

Please note that I mainly work with the parent(s), except for certain individual appointments. However, I am very happy to come and observe at the playground, kindergarten or school and to speak with the staff/teachers.
No matter what shape or form your family comes in, you are very welcome at my practice.

Consulting & Coaching

Actually, you’re not feeling so bad - if only it weren’t for this problem that is making you feel stressed, helpless, dissatisfied or unhappy at times.

Are you facing a difficult decision? Is there an important change in life on the horizon, professionally or personally?

Do you find it difficult to stand up for yourself or look out for yourself at work?

Things are going quite well in the family, but there are certain specific situations that are worrying you and you would like to talk to someone about this?

Even if there is currently no great ‘suffering’ on your part, there may be concrete issues or problems that require professional support. Coaching can support and accompany you in many areas: from self-discovery, basic questions about life planning, problems at work or in your private life to grief counselling. We can create clarity on your issues and actively seek solutions for your current concerns. Together, we will see what is necessary for you to identify your own needs, regain confidence in your abilities and (re)activate resources.
And if you are feeling a desire for change, growth and development, counselling can be invigorating and nourishing.

Further topics could include:
  • Conflicts and stress in the workplace (e.g. bullying)
  • Persistent overload in everyday life, constant stress
  • Dealing with illnesses (one’s own or of family members)
  • Professional or personal reorientation
  • Hesitation about the next step in life
  • Desire for a healthier lifestyle



Appointments can be arranged flexibly to suit your course of treatment. Please send me an email to get in touch.

Cost 2024

Individual psychotherapy session
95 € per 50 minute session (exempt from VAT, in accordance with § 4 Nr. 14 UStG)

120 € per 60 min session / 142,80 € (incl. 19% VAT)
140 € per 90 min session/ 166,60 € (incl. 19% VAT)

Families and couples
140 € per 90 min session/ 166,60 € (incl. 19% VAT)
120 € per 60 min individual session within couples therapy/ 142,80 € (incl. 19% VAT)

Social fee - low-income earners

For those on a low income, e.g. trainees, students, low-income earners, recipients of unemployment benefit 2 (ALG II / Hartz IV), I reserve some coaching or therapy places at a reduced fee. If this applies to you, please get in touch.

Charging therapy sessions to public or private health insurance, or supplementary insurance

My services cannot be charged to public health insurance. Depending on your contract with your service provider, my fee will be paid by your private health insurance or supplementary insurance. You will receive an invoice which you can then submit to your insurance company. Counselling, coaching and couple therapy are not covered by public or private health insurance.

The advantages of self-funding your therapy

You will receive immediate help and support - no waiting times or bureaucracy with the health insurance company.
No diagnosis of a mental health condition will be communicated to your health insurance company.
My fee can be offset against tax as a medical expense (in the category of ‘extraordinary expenses’ - außergewöhnliche Belastungen)

Offsetting therapy costs against tax

As a self-payer, you can claim my fee for therapy in your tax return as an extraordinary expense (expenses for health/health maintenance).
Please ask your tax advisor about the relevant tax allowances.

Offsetting coaching costs against tax

You can claim my fee for coaching in your tax return. The prerequisite here is that the coaching is prompted by your professional circumstances and that it is carried out for the sake of your professional development. You can claim these costs as professional expenses in your tax return. Your tax advisor can provide you with more detailed information.

Duty of confidentiality

As a therapist for psychotherapy I am, according to German law, bound to a legal duty of professional confidentiality, as specified in § 630a of the German Civil Code (§ 630a BGB).

Appointment cancellations

Your appointment sessions are reserved specifically for you, allowing you to avoid waiting times. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please cancel it at least 48 hours in advance. This means that the appointment can then be used by other clients if necessary.
Please note that I will charge my full fee in the event of a cancellation at short notice.

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